Compressive pressure - Use and recovery

Compressive pressure - Use and recovery

Our bodies work differently in different situations and knowing how the body physiologically works, for example during performance or recovery, is the most important starting point for designing a perfectly functioning compression product.

This important difference has been taken into account by Tritanium in the development of eXtend compression products, which are designed to provide the user with the right compression pressure in the right situation and thereby help achieve the maximum physiological benefit from the use of the compression product.

The eXtend compression products, which have undergone extensive development, are manufactured using the latest state-of-the-art technology and deliver scientifically measured, accurate gradual compression pressure. This precisely measured and correctly applied compression pressure allows the body to achieve the desired physiological effect and the eXtend compression product really does what it promises. Whether it's recovery or performance optimisation, eXtend products have the right pressure level for the job.

The range includes CE marked products in two different pressure classes, with the higher pressure class eXtend High products specifically designed for intensive training and competition use. The lower pressure eXtend Low products are designed for recovery from sporting performance/exertion, as well as for work and travel use.

All products in the eXtend range have been developed with three very important features in mind:

    1. Optimising performance
    2. Improving the efficiency of recovery
    3. Reducing the risk of injury

Benefits of eXtend compression products

Tritanium eXtend compression products can achieve a wide range of benefits before, during and after performance.

Before you perform - Better preparedness to perform:

  • Increase in muscle activation level
  • Awakening metabolism
  • Optimisation of body temperature

During performance - Maximum performance:

  • Increased blood flow => muscles get more oxygen and energy
  • Enhanced waste removal => muscles work optimally during exercise
  • Activating effect on the neuro-muscular joints => kinesthetic chain of movement improves and the feeling of training is more meaningful
  • Tissue supporting effect => micro-vibrations at tissue level are reduced, risk of injury is reduced

After a run - Faster recovery:

  • Increased metabolism and lymphatic system function
  • Accelerated removal of impurities (lactates) from muscles
  • Reduced post-exercise tissue firmness and muscle soreness
  • Faster preparation for the next performance

How to choose the right compression product?

Properly functioning compression products should always be accurately marked with their compression pressure, expressed in mmHg (millimetres of mercury). Different levels of compression pressure can affect the body and tissues in different ways and so the selection of the correct compression product for the purpose is important.

Tritanium's eXtend collection includes the higher pressure eXtend High products, designed specifically for intensive training and competition. The higher pressure products can optimise performance, increase performance comfort and prevent stress injuries.

The lower pressure eXtend Low products are designed for sports performance / recovery from exertion and are also ideal for work and travel use. Low pressure products help the muscles recover faster from post-exercise stress and thereby prepare the muscles for a new workout.

What is the benefit of compression based on?

The effect of compression products on sport can be divided into three main areas: blood circulation (veins), lymphatic circulation (lymphatic system) and the nervous system (the skin directly affected by the compression product). The compression product increases the external mechanical pressure of the tissues in a controlled manner, thus producing the desired physiological effects on the musculature, blood and lymphatic system, as well as on the nervous system and deeper tissues.

This external mechanical pressure reduces the diameter of the blood vessels, which makes it easier for the venous valves to close and increases venous flow (i.e. oxygen-free blood is transported away from the muscles more quickly). The lymphatic system, which carries lymphatic fluids, also functions more efficiently and the body's own "waste disposal" is faster. Increased venous and lymphatic circulation improves oxygenation of the muscles and speeds up the removal of impurities.

The effect of compression products on the nervous system is largely based on the stimulation of the nerves of the skin and muscles underneath the product. When the pressure of a compression product is applied to the underlying skin, it stimulates the nerve endings in the skin, thereby improving their ability to conduct nerve impulses. This causes the wearer to "feel" the part of the body under the compression better and to be more aware of the position of the arm, for example.

These factors allow Tritanium eXtend compression products to achieve optimal performance comfort, faster recovery and a significant reduction in stress and sports injuries.

Compression pressure For recovery To perform

Tritanium compression products

Tritanium compression products in an independent test
eXtend Low Welfare Work use

Tritanium compression products in an independent test

The results and benefits of the trial were indisputable. As many as 86% of testers would recommend the products to a friend.

Tritanium compression products for work use
eXtend Low Welfare Work use

Functional comfort for well-being at work

The precisely measured and correct compression pressure allows the desired physiological effect on the body to be achieved and makes the products perfect for both work and travel.

Tritanium eXtend compression products are designed to optimise body function

  • Increased blood flow, giving your muscles more oxygen and energy.
  • Enhanced lymphatic system function, allowing impurities to leave the muscles more quickly.
  • Improved training feeling.
  • Accelerated recovery.
  • Reduced risk of sports and stress injuries.
  • Reduced post-exercise muscle soreness and swelling.

The CE marked eXtend High compression products are manufactured using the latest state-of-the-art technology and are designed with a scientifically optimised gradual compression pressure of 20-30mmHg.

This precisely measured compression pressure, combined with the technical features, enhances blood flow and metabolism, allowing large muscle groups to work together seamlessly for optimal performance.

eXtend High compression products are specifically designed for intensive training and competitive use.

These products are ideal for sports that require high performance and endurance, such as ball sports, fitness and gym training and various endurance sports.

The CE marked eXtend Low compression products are specifically designed to support recovery after exertion and sports performance.

These low pressure products, i.e. 10-15mmHg, promote faster muscle recovery from the stress of exercise and prepare the muscles for future performance.

Increased venous and lymphatic circulation improves oxygen supply to the muscles and accelerates the removal of impurities.

As a result, the muscles recover more quickly from the post-exercise strain, preparing the body for future exercise.

Low-pressure products are also ideal for recreational use thanks to their characteristics.

CE-marked compression products are also designed for preventive care, rehabilitation, and treatment of various injuries and symptoms.

Compression products for therapeutic use must always carry the CE marking, which indicates that the products meet the requirements of the relevant EU health and safety directives and that they have undergone any required checks.

In addition, the product must indicate the exact compression pressure (mmHg) of the product, which will be used to select the product for the correct application.

Compression products can be used to increase the external mechanical pressure of tissues in a controlled manner, resulting in the desired physiological effects on the musculature, blood and lymphatic system, as well as the nervous system and deeper tissue levels.

The compression effect enhances venous blood flow and metabolism, and the compression pressure also has a stimulating effect on neuromuscular junctions.

The CE-marked eXtend Low low pressure compression products are perfect for both work and travel. Low pressure (10-15mmHg) compression products improve blood circulation and metabolism in the limbs, reduce swelling and prevent fatigue and pain, and help you feel better whether you are sitting for long periods of time, standing or doing physically demanding "repetitive" work. Compression products are also effective in preventing work-related strain injuries.

  • Increased blood flow, giving your muscles more oxygen and energy.
  • Enhanced lymphatic system function, allowing impurities to leave the muscles more quickly.
  • Reduced swelling.
  • Reduced feeling of fatigue, tiredness and muscle soreness.
  • Reduced leg pain.

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